Saturday, March 26, 2011


You would say, "I don´t have any relation with Japan...", Believe me that Japan is closer to you that you ever thought.
May be you have a Japanese car or a motorcicle, or some of you have a boat with Japanese engines. Or maybe you have a watch or a calculator made in Japan. Maybe you have some electric or e ...lectronic devices made in Japan at home. Or maybe you happen to be a Japanese food fan or Jpop fan, or Jdrama fan or Anime fan. Maybe when you where a child you enjoyed Japanese cartoons or loved hello kitty or maybe your kids are enjoying that right now!. Maybe you happen to know some Japanese friends in your neighbourhood, or a friend married with a Japanese person. Or maybe one of your kids assists to KUMON school system that helps to understand better mathematics among other things. O maybe you practiced sometime in your life, origami, or karate, judo, aikido or kendo. Maybe you used some electric stairs in a shopping mall or an elevator and it happened to be made in Japan and you didn´t even notice it. Here in Mexico, many highways and bridges were builded with Japanese companies colaboration. And believe it or not, the system that supplies water and electric system to Isla Mujeres (which was builded under the sea) was made also with Japanese companies colaboration. There are so many examples that we don´t notice but Japan is there!. All these things gave us somehow happiness, comodities an a better daily life style.

But now Japan is in big trouble...a gigantic natural disaster, an earthquake, then a tsunami and now the problem of the nucleoelectric plant. What we can do? How can we help?, you might think your help is so tiny that is no worth.... IF WE ALL HELP TOGETHER, a small help turns in to a BIG HELP.

The Japanese community in Cancun is working hard to raise funds to send help to Japan. The are raising funds by selling MEXICO HELPS JAPANs T shirts. FOR EVERY T SHIRT SOLD, ALL MONEY WILL BE SENT TO THE JAPANESE EMBASSY IN MEXICO CITY, AND THEN THEY WILL SEND IT TO JAPAN. SO PLEASE PUT ON THE HELP JAPANs T SHIRT!We are a Mexican-Japanese flower shop in Cancun and we decided to PUT ON THE HELP JAPANs T SHIRT!.

If you live in Cancun, or you are planning to come soon to Cancun or know a friend who is comming, put it on you too and help Japan. Where to get the T shirt? at Hanaichi restaurant (hotel zone, km 8.5, right next to Cancun Center)cost per T SHIRT $100 pesos. Payments must be done in cash only due to donation process.

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