Friday, November 15, 2013

Unique ideas to make your wedding totally YOU

Your wedding is YOUR day, and it should feel like the right fit for your personality from start to the end.
What is the one thing that is completely original and unique about your wedding day, that no other wedding day has ever seen or done before? YOU. Read more…

Unique ideas to make your wedding totally YOU

Your wedding is YOUR day, and it should feel like the right fit for your personality from start to the end...

Friday, November 8, 2013

Avoid 6 common mistakes when planning your wedding!!

Let’s face it… Planning your wedding is not an easy process. Maybe you have it all planned in your mind, but it could happen that things are not going as you wish and you may feel disappointed or frustrated. Read more…

Friday, November 1, 2013

A unexpected and adorable oversized decor!

We are always looking for something unique, something that makes the difference from others, and it’s the same situation for your wedding day.
A good option is a new trend called OVERSIZED  letters. You can use your monograms or L.O.V.E. letters or whatever you like because they are perfect for customizing. Read more…
2013-09-28 16.58.49-1
Wedding cancun by LatinAsia.