Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Excelentes colores y flores para una boda. Felicidades Patricia te deseamos en floresbodacancun.Simplemente embelesante...
Style, good taste, sweet love, and tenderness. Shows the feelings you wanted for your wedding. Congratulations Patricia!!!! Our best wishes from cancunweddingflorist team.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Felicitaciones a Melanie & Stephen por su reciente boda. Un lujo total gracias a Sharon que coordinó el evento y dejarnos realizar el sueño de esta feliz pareja con la decoración de floresbodacancun.
Melanie & Stephen... Contragtulations!!!
Cancunweddingflorist staff wants to thank you for letting us help with your marvelous wedding, also many thanks to Sharon. You were awesome!!
Enjoy your new journey together!!!
Cancun Wedding Florist: Where two become one...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Felicidades a Edna & Betuel que ya iniciaron su vida juntos. Hermosa y elegante boda en las playas del hotel presidente intercontinental y claro, con el toque de la decoración de floresbodacancun.¡¡Gracias por dejarnos formar parte de este ... evento!!
In cancunweddingflorist we would like to congratulate Edna & Betuel for their dazzling wedding, which was celebrated on the stunning beaches of Presidente Intercontinental hotel.
On behalf of our staff we wish a long a happy journey for both of you lovebirds!!!

Floresbodacancun en colaboración con Chef Cristian Morales, participaron en la exclusiva boda de Sidarta. ¡Felicidades!
Cancunweddingflorist in colaboration with Chef Crisitian Morales, we would like to congratulate Sidarta for her exclusive wedding and thank her for letting us be part of her dream.
Wedding cancun by LatinAsia.